
Childcare week is time to listen to families

* The importance of listening to the views of children and parents about childcare is the theme for this year's National Childcare Week (20-27 May). The week, organised by the Daycare Trust, gives parents a chance to learn more about choices in childcare and to express their needs. It aims to give employers, unions, policymakers and planners a platform to discuss balancing the demands of work and family, and promote the benefits of childcare.
* The importance of listening to the views of children and parents about childcare is the theme for this year's National Childcare Week (20-27 May).

The week, organised by the Daycare Trust, gives parents a chance to learn more about choices in childcare and to express their needs. It aims to give employers, unions, policymakers and planners a platform to discuss balancing the demands of work and family, and promote the benefits of childcare.

Daycare Trust director Stephen Burke said, 'This year has seen a real boost for families in help with childcare, but planners and providers must deliver what parents and children want so everyone benefits. When asked, parents and children are very clear about what is needed and those views have to be heard if childcare provision is to meet their needs.

'Our job is to make sure that all families can get good-quality childcare at a price they can afford and with the flexibility and choice that they need.'