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The best of books and other resources to support your topic on opposites Books
The best of books and other resources to support your topic on opposites



Opposites by John Burningham (Walker Books, 3.99) and Opposites by Sandra Boynton (Simon & Schuster, 3.99) - both use humorous illustrations to present opposites in a charming and fun way.

Mimi's Book of Opposites, by Emma Chichester Clark (Andersen Press, Pounds 5.99) - Mimi is a monkey with a baby brother, and she tells us the contrasts between them both.

Hot and cold

One Snowy Night by Nick Butterworth (Picture Lions, 5.99) - how Percy the park keeper keeps all the animals warm one snowy night.

How Cold Was It? by Jane Barclay (Lobster Press, 3.99) - a boy wakes up on a freezing cold day and learns how to cope with the cold all day.

Cold Little Duck, Duck, Duck, by Lisa Westberg Peters (Macmillan Children's Books, 4.99) - Duck is cold on the frozen pond. Join in the refrains as we wait for spring to arrive.

Hot Hippo by Mwenye Hadithi (Hodder Children's Books, 5.99) - Hippo is too hot on dry land and in the sun, and longs to live in the river with the fish.

One Warm Fox by Nick Butterworth (Picture Lions, 4.99) - how Percy the park keeper warms up the fox with his aunt's knitting.

The Winter King and the Summer Queen by Mary Lister (Barefoot Books, Pounds 5.99) - King Icicle and Queen Goldenlight want different things, and find a compromise in winter and summer.

Wet and dry

A Drop of Rain by Wong Herbert Lee (Houghton Mifflin, 9.99) - everyone thinks the baby is crying and tries to cheer it up, when they realise it is rain, not tears, on the baby's face.

Ducks Don't Get Wet by Augusta Goldin (William Morrow, 3.50) - how ducks use preening to stop their wings getting wet.

Rain by Manja Stojic (Chrysalis Children's Books, 4.99) - the African animals wait for the rains to come.

Wet Pebbles Under Our Feet by Manya Stojic (Chrysalis Children's Books, Pounds 9.99) - a young girl goes to visit her grandparents on an island, and hears stories of lazy days on the beach.

Wet World by Norma Simon (Walker Books, 4.99) - all the wonderful things that happen when it rains, and then the pleasure of getting dry.

The Sandhorse by Ann Turnbull and Michael Foreman (Andersen Press, 4.99) - an artist makes a sand horse on the beach, but at the end of the day the white seahorses take it away.

Fast and slow

Teletubbies: Tubby custard mess and Po Po Fast and Slow (BBC Consumer Publishing, 3.99) - Po rides fast on her scooter.

The Fast and Slow Animal Book by David Taylor (Belitha Press, 3.99) - illustrations of a variety of animals, and information about how fast or slow they travel.

Not so fast, Songolo by Niki Daly (Frances Lincoln, 5.99) - a young shepherd goes to the city with his old granny, and they both go slow.

The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson (Macmillan Children's Books, Pounds 10.99) - the small, slow snail gets a lift with the large, fast whale and sees the world. But when the whale is beached, only the snail can save the day.

Snail Boy: An Adventure in Slow Motion by Leslie McGuirk (Walker Books, Pounds 5.99) - the surprising joys of having a slow-motion pet snail.

Heavy and light

Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen (Puffin, 4.99) - which passenger was it that finally weighted the boat down and sank it?

Balloon by Jez Alborough (Picture Lions, 4.99) - chasing a balloon around the park.

Kipper's Lost Ball by Mike Inkpen (Hodder Children's Books, 4.99) - lift the flap and find the ball, inside, outside.

Loud and quiet

Too Loud by Kay Widdowson (Hodder Children's Books, 4.99) - all the other animals are too noisy for Daisy the cat.

Hush Little Baby, by Sylvia Long (Chronicle Books, 4.99) - a variation on the lullaby.

Up and down

The Bears in the Night by Stan and Jan Berenstain (Collins, 4.99).

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury (Walker Books, 3.99).

Happy and sad

What Makes Me Happy? by Laurence and Catherine Anholt (Walker Books, Pounds 4.99) - things that make you happy and sad.

Good Baby, Bad Baby by Nanette Newman (Picture Lions, 4.99) - baby does lots of good things, but turn the book upside down and see the bad things.