
Editorial Letter

Here we are again with plenty of suggestions on how you can spend your money wisely and well in the coming year. There's a new look to the magazine as you may already have noticed. We have colour coded features to make it easier for you to find exactly what you are looking for and we have and we have also extended our area of interest into after school clubs. So many nurseries are now providing after school care and holiday clubs but it does mean a big investment in new equipment if you are to keep children as old as 11 or 12 happy and stimulated. we hope that you find this new section helpful particularly if you are contemplating taking the plunge and are looking for ideas for your own after-school facility. There are other things to get excited about in this issue, not least the chance to win your own fantastic Early Years Big Board. This is an immensely versatile package so make sure you enter our free prize draw. We have 15 Big Boards to give away - one of them could be yours! Meanwhile, if you are not feeling as creative as you would wish, turn to our bumper arts and crafts feature page 16 for some brilliant new resources.
Here we are again with plenty of suggestions on how you can spend your money wisely and well in the coming year. There's a new look to the magazine as you may already have noticed. We have colour coded features to make it easier for you to find exactly what you are looking for and we have and we have also extended our area of interest into after school clubs. So many nurseries are now providing after school care and holiday clubs but it does mean a big investment in new equipment if you are to keep children as old as 11 or 12 happy and stimulated. we hope that you find this new section helpful particularly if you are contemplating taking the plunge and are looking for ideas for your own after-school facility.

There are other things to get excited about in this issue, not least the chance to win your own fantastic Early Years Big Board. This is an immensely versatile package so make sure you enter our free prize draw. We have 15 Big Boards to give away - one of them could be yours! Meanwhile, if you are not feeling as creative as you would wish, turn to our bumper arts and crafts feature page 16 for some brilliant new resources.

And once again we have pages of product reviews, ranging from dinosaur glove puppets to softplay seating with lots of other items catering for a wide age range in between. Turn to page 20 to see how well they performed.


Sue Hubberstey

PS Please mote that a mention in Nursery equipment does not constitute a product endorsement.