
Editor's view

It was wonderful to see so many people from across the early years education and childcare sector at Nursery World's conference last week - private and voluntary settings, schools, Sure Start and children's centres, and local authorities were all represented, and all contributed to some lively and thoughtful discussion sessions. You can read about the conference and the main themes that emerged in our News section (see pages 4 and 5). Workforce was obviously a hot topic as we await the Government's response to the children's workforce strategy consultation, with issues ranging from the longer-term strategic debate about the possible role for pedagogues, to the current problems with the shortfall of NVQ assessors and difficulties with timescales and funding.
It was wonderful to see so many people from across the early years education and childcare sector at Nursery World's conference last week - private and voluntary settings, schools, Sure Start and children's centres, and local authorities were all represented, and all contributed to some lively and thoughtful discussion sessions.

You can read about the conference and the main themes that emerged in our News section (see pages 4 and 5). Workforce was obviously a hot topic as we await the Government's response to the children's workforce strategy consultation, with issues ranging from the longer-term strategic debate about the possible role for pedagogues, to the current problems with the shortfall of NVQ assessors and difficulties with timescales and funding.

Foundation Stage national director Lesley Staggs explained the true thinking behind the planned Early Years Foundation Stage, and why it wasn't a case of 'baby curriculum madness' as interpreted by some of the national press.

The conference came at a crucial time in terms of examining how we maintain and improve the quality of early years education and childcare, with contributions from those at the centre of change and development. The messages from the delegates on the floor will no doubt be taken on board as we move forward.