
Fun and games

At the airport 'Fly' to some interesting destinations in a game about airports, that will tie in with this week's project.
At the airport

'Fly' to some interesting destinations in a game about airports, that will tie in with this week's project.

Child development opportunities

* To talk about flying and destinations.

* To become familiar with airport vocabulary.

* To listen carefully and follow instructions.

* To develop imagination.

* To have fun together.

How to play

* Mark three circles on the floor.

* Name two circles as airports, such as London and New York, and circle three as the departure lounge.

* Ask groups of four children to stand in the airport circles and the rest in the departure lounge.

* To play, the practitioner calls the names of the airports and then says, 'Take off!'

* On 'Take off!', the airport groups try to fly to the other airport, as do the children in the departure lounge who try to arrive before the other passengers.

* The first four children to arrive in one of the circles can stay. Any child over four has to go to the departure lounge.

* Any planes crashing while flying are out!

* Add more airports to the game and prepare for another 'Take off'.


* Adjust the number in each airport to suit the group size and increase the number of airports to suit the abilities of the children.

* Take the role of caller yourself.

* As children get used to the game, ask them to suggest destinations.

For more games, see Acker Backa BOO! - Games to Say and Play From Around the World by Opal Dunn (Frances Lincoln, 10.99) ) Opal Dunn. The author disclaims responsibility for any adverse effects resulting directly or indirectly from the game outlined.

Reader offer

We have five copies of Acker Backa BOO! by Opal Dunn (Frances Lincoln, Pounds 5.99) to give away to Nursery World readers. Send your name and address on the back of a postcard or envelope, marked Acker Backa BOO!, to the address on page 3. Winners will be the first five names drawn on 8 May.