
Name a Student of the Year

The 31 March deadline for entries to the Heinemann/Nursery World Childcare Student of the Year award is fast approaching, so tutors with outstanding students should make sure they don't miss out on the chance to win this prestigious prize.

The award, now in its ninth year, provides an opportunity to celebratethe achievements of childcare students who show the potential to bebrilliant practitioners.

Students on all recognised courses, at every level, are eligible, fromNVQ Level 2, to the Diploma in Childcare and Education, to EarlyChildhood Studies degrees. Judges will be looking for students who havenot only excelled on their courses, but possess a high level ofprofessionalism and the ability to deal with real-life situations in apractical manner.

The winner will receive a certificate, 300 and a year'ssubscription to Nursery World. The winning school or college will alsoreceive 300 of Heinemann vouchers.

- You can find nomination forms online