
NDNA advises on planning

Practical advice for nurseries on how to plan for the Early Years Foundation Stage is given in a new series of papers from the National Day Nurseries Association.

The first EYFS briefing paper offering hints and tips is available freeto Nursery World readers and NDNA members.

Written by early years experts Liz Richardson and Katharine Finkill fromIncredible Learning Journeys, the set of three papers is designed tosupport practitioners in meeting the requirements of the EYFS whenplanning.

The first factsheet, available now, looks at how to provide enablingenvironments and at the role of staff in supporting positiverelationships and the unique child.

The next factsheet, which will be available in February, will expand onthis further by exploring planning in more detail through sharingpractical advice on observations and record-keeping. The third resourcewill also look at the areas of learning and development in moredetail.

NDNA chief executive Purnima Tanuku said that feedback that had beenreceived from nurseries about the EYFS was positive, but there was ademand for practical support and advice on how to embed it insettings.

She said, 'The new resource does not only cover how practitioners shouldplan, such as by creating enabling environments, but also shares realideas for doing this, which we hope settings will find inspiring. We aredelighted to be making these useful resources available, and hopemembers find them both inspiring and useful.'

- Nursery World readers who are not NDNA members can receive the firstpaper free by e-mailing NDNA members willautomatically be able to access it by logging in to the member-only areaat