
School treasures its pirate project

When Friockheim Nursery near Arbroath in Scotland began its pirate project, staff had no idea how it would grow. 'It all started with two of our boys, Dale and Tommy,' said nursery teacher Karen Kennedy. 'They were using the big blocks to make a boat, pretending they were looking for treasure.'
When Friockheim Nursery near Arbroath in Scotland began its pirate project, staff had no idea how it would grow.

'It all started with two of our boys, Dale and Tommy,' said nursery teacher Karen Kennedy. 'They were using the big blocks to make a boat, pretending they were looking for treasure.'

The boys - completely on their own initiative - then went on to make a treasure map out of playdough, using forks to make the path leading to the treasure, marked, of course, with a cross.

Karen was so impressed that she cooked the playdough so it could be kept and she and nursery nurse Tracy Bedwell set about organising the pirate project. Everyone joined in making maps, striped waistcoats, parrots and hats. There were all sorts of pirate-inspired games. They made a paper treasure chest to place at the bottom of the sea, which covers one corner of the nursery, using money stampers to create the treasure.

From there, it was a small step to making a real treasure chest to be buried in the school grounds. 'We asked the children to bring in their own treasure,' said Tracy. 'One little boy brought in a photo of himself with his dog in a silver frame. Other children brought in little toys. One boy gave us his junk model.'

The staff then added all the children's names, a photograph, a tape of the children singing 'Noah's Rap' and some work they had been doing.

Word of the project spread quickly and the entire school joined the nursery in a pirate party on the last day before the October holidays.

'It's been great,' said Karen. 'The nursery instigated this, then the whole school got involved.'

The treasure chest was buried in the school garden and will be dug up in 2008, when the nursery children reach their final year at primary school.