
Spotlight on ... Heidi Evans

Position: Childminder from Pangbourne, Reading

Why did you decide to go for EYP Status?

It's the best form of training and allowed me to study while continuingto work as a childminder. The course really stretched me and gave me theopportunity to meet like-minded people. I did the long pathway for EYPSat Reading University and was awarded with the status in February.

What are your future plans?

I am training to be a Forest Schools teacher with Bridgwater College,who are based in Somerset, but running courses at Swindon College. Iread about Forest Schools in Nursery World and because I love beingoutdoors with children decided to train.

How will you use your Forest Schools training?

I am hoping to acquire my own piece of land to start my own ForestSchool, as there aren't any in the area, and make it open to otherchildminders, nurseries and pre-schools. My husband, who has justregistered as a childminder alongside his office job, will also help meat the Forest School.

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