
Spotlight on ... Jennie Bracewell, Le Monde Petit Day Nursery

Name: Jennie Bracewell

Position: Managing director, Le Monde Petit Day Nursery, Burnley, plusthree other settings

How do you feel about reaching the final of the Be Inspired BusinessAwards?

It was unbelievable. I feel immensely proud to be nominated for theBusiness Woman of the Year. To hear you're down to the last four out ofnearly 200 people was like 'Wow!' It's a real team effort - I'm only asgood as the nursery staff.

Who nominated you?

Peter Hindle, chairman of the nursery group. For Peter to nominate mereally meant something.

Tell us about the awards evening.

It was in the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool with 600 people and TonyHadley sang. The managers came from our four nurseries and somelong-serving members of staff. A great night was had by all!

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