
Spotlight on ... John Cassidy

Name: John Cassidy; Position: Nursery manager, Leapfrog, Peterborough branch.

How long have you been working in childcare?

I've been working in childcare for over nine years and have been managerat Peterborough for the past two years. I'm responsible for 41 staff andam one of three male nursery staff at my setting.

What made you choose a career in childcare?

I'd always wanted to work with children. It just really captured myinterest, watching children grow and develop. At Leapfrog I'm in chargeof the day-to-day running of the nursery, keeping the children happy,making sure we adhere to all legislation and ensuring we are providingexcellent childcare - in a nutshell!

What do you think male practitioners bring to a setting?

Children respond really well to having male influences at the nursery.It brings an additional element to a setting. It's all part of creatinga diverse, community atmosphere.

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