
Training strategy set for playwork

Closer working between the early years, playwork and youthwork sectors, including looking at the 'pedagogic' approach to working with children from Scandinavian countries, is one of eight stated goals in a new National Strategy for Playwork Education and Training for 2002 to 2005. The strategy, 'Quality Training, Quality Play', was launched last week by SPRITO, the Government-funded training organisation for sport, recreation and allied occupations, after a consultation exercise involving 400 people and organisations.
Closer working between the early years, playwork and youthwork sectors, including looking at the 'pedagogic' approach to working with children from Scandinavian countries, is one of eight stated goals in a new National Strategy for Playwork Education and Training for 2002 to 2005.

The strategy, 'Quality Training, Quality Play', was launched last week by SPRITO, the Government-funded training organisation for sport, recreation and allied occupations, after a consultation exercise involving 400 people and organisations.

With an estimated 60,000 new workers coming into the sector, the strategy proposes a major expansion of training to be delivered through SPRITO's nine regional centres. Some of its specific aims include:

* National Occupational Standards for playwork qualifications, so they can be introduced at Level 4. There are currently no qualifications at this level.

* A transitional module of playwork training accessible to workers from other sectors.

* Formal recognition of prior learning and experience.

* A foundation degree in playwork.

* A playwork training module for Ofsted inspectors.

* Parity between playwork qualifications and those in teaching and social work.

In some parts of England, the lack of playwork trainers and assessors is a barrier to the take-up of training. SPRITO aims to boost numbers through its regional centres and EQUIPE, a project funded by the European Union.

Under the previous strategy a Playwork Assessor training programme and a Training Playwork Trainers pack were developed, and these will be reviewed.

A register of trainers and a system for endorsing training materials will also be set up.