
Spotlight on ... Julie Dent, Magic Tree Nursery

Name: Julie Dent

Position: EYFS co-ordinator and nursery manager at Magic Tree Nursery at Belmont Grosvenor School, Harrogate

What attracted you to the post at Belmont?

I've been qualified as a nursery nurse for 27 years and always worked for local authorities, so I fancied a new challenge. The nursery is wonderful. We've got wooded areas and treehouses; the outdoor space is vast. It's very different to an inner city setting. The warmth and friendliness as soon as I walked through the door really appealed to me and it felt like home from the beginning.

How have you found the job since you started in November?

The staff and parents have been really receptive to the changes I'm making. We're carrying out a review of current practice and I've implemented monthly staff meetings with a different focus every month.

What are your aims for the setting?

We're due an ISI inspection this year so we'll try to maintain our outstanding grade and continue to work in a cohesive way with staff.

You have to keep momentum and not rest on your laurels.