
Work Matters: Update

Establishing the EYP

Training company Formation Training and Development has strengthened its expertise in early years with the appointment of three Early Years Professionals to its team. Su Wall, Caroline Upton and Claire Wells have joined as associates on a freelance basis.

Managing director Amanda Pearce-Burton (right) says the appointments reflect how important the company views EYPs to be to the sector. She said, 'We are passionate about the role of the EYP and are contracted by the CWDC to help implement the assessment process and support providers in ensuring that the EYP becomes firmly established within the sector. Su, Caroline and Claire have joined our existing team to ensure that our work in this area remains at the cutting edge.' Contact Amanda.pb@formationpeople.co.uk.

Making play inclusive

KIDS, the charity for disabled children and young people, has published a briefing paper, Aiming Higher for Inclusive Play, produced by the Kids Playwork Inclusion Project (PIP). It is also promoting its professional development training courses.

PIP has worked since 2001 with professionals in the play and childcare sector to make services and settings inclusive for disabled children. Developed under a strategic contract, PIP is now funded by the DCSF until 2009.

Inclusive Play and Childcare Networks in each region nationwide bring around 300 professionals together on a termly basis to share practice and knowledge. Children's services also undertake seminars on inclusive policy and practice, while a National Inclusive Play Network keeps over 2,000 individuals updated through e-bulletins and a range of publications.

For training information contact ndd@kids.org.uk.

Targeting Special educational needs

Speaking at the Communication Trust Conference on 28 March, which launched the Speech, Language and Communication Framework, Chris Beek, national director, SEN, at the DCSF, outlined the aims of the Government's Inclusion Development Programme and its implications for training. Key aims are to increase the confidence of all practitioners and support schools and settings to implement strategic approaches to support and intervention.

Phase one will see teachers and practitioners briefed about the early signs of dyslexia, other specific learning difficulties and speech, language and communication needs. There will also be information on teaching and learning strategies known to be effective. A DVD and other materials are available at www.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/SEN.