
Nursery activities

The reception class children at Hurworth House School have created 2 an attractive interactive display related to their discoveries about working toys and machines. Planned learning intentions
The reception class children at Hurworth House School have created 2 an attractive interactive display related to their discoveries about working toys and machines.

Planned learning intentions

To ask questions about why things happen and how things work

To handle tools, objects and construction materials safely and with increasing control

To explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions


Blue paper in two contrasting shades ,red border roll ,posters and books about toys and machines ,choice of paint colours ,white and black paper ,digital camera ,selection of working models and toys

Step by step

* Provide the children with a selection of working toys and equipment to explore, for example, toy trains, cranes and water wheels, and then discuss how they think they work. Take digital photos while the children are playing and set them aside to print off later.

* Suggest creating a display about toys and machines together. Choose a display board close to your construction and small-world play area, back it with blue paper and attach red border roll around the edges.

* Provide wide strips of blue paper and invite children to make prints using sponge outlines of different forms of transport dipped in white paint. Surround the display with the finished strips.

* Let the children paint pictures of their favourite machines and toys.

Mount these and arrange them in spaces on the board.

* Entitle the display 'Toys and machines', hang appropriate posters in any remaining spaces and surround the display with the children's photos.

* Add captions suggested by the children, giving them support with ideas.

Extension activities

* Create an interactive area beneath the display where children can look at books and play with working models and toys.

* Set up a display of things that can be operated by switches, such as tape recorders, CD players and torches.

* Suggest that children work in pairs to create fantasy machines from recycled materials and then explain to the others how they work.

* Obtain permission to visit a building site to observe some large machines at work.

Nicole Day is the reception class teacher at Hurworth House School, near Darlington. She spoke to Jean Evans.