
Spotlight on ... Christine Whicker

Name: Christine Whicker

Position: Nursery officer, Oak Hill Community Nursery, Brockley, southLondon

What competition did you win?

I was listening to Gold Radio a few weeks ago and they were advertisinga competition to meet the BeeGees and have lunch with Robin Gibb. Iphoned and was asked how much of a BeeGees fan I am, on a scale of 1 to10. I said 11! I've got all of their albums except one. Later on someonefrom the radio station called and said I'd won. If they told me I'd wonthe Lottery I couldn't have been any happier!

What was it like to meet your idols?

I only met Robin - Barry was ill and couldn't make it. The lunch was twoweeks ago at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London. It was a really poshevent at to commemorate a BeeGees plaque going up in Brook Street,Mayfair, where they wrote many of their songs. There were about 500people there. I got to mingle with lots of celebrities such as'Hollyoaks' and 'EastEnders' stars. It was a really exciting day and I'mstill on cloud nine!

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