
Spotlight on ... Ruth Wright, Nursery teacher

Name: Ruth Wright

Position: Nursery teacher at Gartly Nursery School in Huntly,Scotland

- Why are you heading to Malawi this summer?

I'm going out to Malawi to take part in a teaching programme with LinkCommunity Development. They do a global teachers programme and it'stheir third year in Scotland. Fourteen of us are going out and stayingwith separate families.

- What will you be doing out there?

I'll be staying with my host family for the first three weeks whileworking alongside the teachers at a local school, Mlunduni. We'll learnas much from them as they will from us. I mean, how do you work withclasses of over 100 pupils? After that we split up in our areas wherethere is a teachers' centre in each of these, to deliver in-servicetraining together on literacy, numeracy, leadership, management andcurriculum. We are hoping to reach 150 teachers.

- What are you most looking forward to?

Just meeting the people and being part of the community. It's aprivilege to be staying in someone's home.

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