
Spotlight on ... Sarah Goodall

Name: Sarah Goodall

Position: Managing director of the Athena Programme, provider of safeguarding training courses for people who come into contact with children or vulnerable adults

Were you surprised to hear you had won the title of Extraordinary Entrepreneur 2011 at the Extraordinary Women awards on 10 May?

I was thrilled. It's fantastic to get recognition. Over 100 people were nominated for the award, which was judged on the impact of your business.

When did you launch the Athena Programme?

I started the business in 2007 from my back bedroom after completing my Masters at the University of Central Lancashire. Four years later and I have an office and employ six staff.

What next?

I'm in the process of setting up a social enterprise, which will offer vulnerable people the chance to work alongside the team at the Programme, with the aim of training them to become coaches.

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